
You may have noticed we're not selling our products at as many winter markets this year as we have in the past.  

The main reason is we’ve made the decision to focus our energy on the wholesale side of our business in 2016, as we continue to provide locally produced fermented foods to more stores, restaurants, cafés, wellness centers and schools in Massachusetts and beyond.

We’re very grateful to all the market managers and customers who have supported us over the years, and we will still participate in as many local markets as we can, but the two of us can only be in so many places at once. As demand for our products has increased, so have our responsibilities and we’re doing our best to give each of them the attention they deserve.

The other reason is we're launching a new Web site this month that offers direct online sales for the first time. This allows our customers across the country to order their favorite Hosta Hill products in a totally new way. One that thankfully allows us to spend less time on the road and more time in the kitchen.

So, please keep an eye out for our products on new shelves and tables, especially in the Boston area. And, please don't hesitate to give us a call or send us an email with additional suggestions. Requesting our products in your favorite store or restaurant helps buyers make informed decisions about what their customers want.