We’re proud to announce our Gochu Curry Kraut has been awarded a 2016 Good Food Award in the Pickles category.

Unfortunately we could not attend Friday night's amazing ceremony in San Francisco, featuring Carlo Petrini, Alice Waters and Nell Newman, but it's a great thrill to be recognized for the second consecutive year (our Kimchi won in the same category in 2015) by this wonderful organization.

We love that they say "we celebrate the kind of food we all want to eat: tasty, authentic and responsibly produced" because it acknowledges the complete method behind the meal.

To have our handmade ferments, featuring sustainably grown ingredients from right here in the Berkshires, reach a national audience and be mentioned in the same sentence as so many of these other great companies is an incredible honor.

Congratulations to all our fellow winners, particularly those here in the Berkshires, and thank you to the Good Food Retailers Collaborative, sponsoring organizations and judges.

And, thank you as always to all the farms, stores, restaurants, wellness centers, farmers markets and customers who have supported us.

We'll be celebrating our fifth anniversary later this year and this is great way to kick-off 2016!