Workshop participants chop cabbage during a vegetable fermentation workshop at Honest Weight Food Cooperative in Albany, New York. 

Workshop participants chop cabbage during a vegetable fermentation workshop at Honest Weight Food Cooperative in Albany, New York. 

As a part of our commitment to sharing vegetable fermentation with our local and regional community, we're offering workshops and demonstrations throughout the summer and fall! Here is our current schedule of events, offered in partnership with cooperatives, libraries, and other educational centers in the region.

Please note that registration is required for some of the events, so be sure to follow the link for details.

8-5-2018 - Workshop - Austerlitz Historical Society, Austerlitz, NY (with Berkshire Ferments)

8-18-2018 - Brattleboro Food Co-op, Brattleboro, VT 

8-29-2018 Fermented Vegetables and the Gut Microbiome - a collaboration between Hosta Hill and The Nutrition Center - Greenfields Market, Greenfield, MA - Check back soon for details!

10-13-2018  - Workshop at the Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MA - Check back for registration details

Interested in collaborating with us on a workshop, demonstration, or event? Reach out to Mark Phillips at

Happy workshop participants at Honest Weight Food Co-op in Albany, New York 

Happy workshop participants at Honest Weight Food Co-op in Albany, New York