We are thrilled to feature this creative piece of poetry about our Daikon Kimchi from our kitchen team member Alex Hicks, an active writer and poet in the spoken word poetry community locally in the Berkshires. Thank you Alex!

an adage which speaks to a radish kimchi

by local poet Alex Hicks

time flows on
however it is a while seems
handmade, sealed up
praise culture –
(wild yeast)

all life
is motion
don’t you know
a mile dreams?

a knife’s spine’ll clean.
roots stripped –
prepped cabbage.

life bless this
onion –
this salt, weighed –
this radish

pass through space
an entryway or two
another door

clean hands, fresh gloves
chef knife
& a cutting board –

a story is a moment
an illustration or a photograph
(no lecture)

daikon kimchi
is an adventure in texture

celebrate life & may you find
what you’re seekin’ –

& if it is
that it’s your dietary choice
you should know that this kimchi is vegan.

in all things
slow down.
& if you’re unsure
of this ferment’s many uses
make a sandwich. make a rice dish.
pickle carrots or eggs
in this delicious
kimchi’s juices.
