As we recently wrote in this instagram post, we are extremely fortunate at Hosta Hill to be able to maintain the distribution and sale of our products during the Covid-19 Pandemic. As of this week (March 23rd), our amazing distributors Marty’s Local, Myers Produce, and Food Connects are all continuing to fulfill orders to retail locations through the Berkshires, Massachusetts, and in New York State. Things could change, but we’re grateful to be stable for now.

Unfortunately, many of our peers in food service have not been so lucky. A lot of businesses we know personally (and who use our ferments) have either pivoted to offering takeout and delivery or have shut their doors entirely. This article published in the Boston Globe offers a good window into how Massachusetts restaurants have been affected and the ways to support them.

More locally in the Berkshires, Berkshire Grown published a list of retailers and restaurants offering delivery and takeout services in the area (see here), as well as a blog on how to support local farmers while adhering to proper social distance protocol. We encourage you to support local businesses when and where you can!

Food banks and food access organizations are also in need of support at this critical moment, particularly as calls for quarantine encourage the stockpiling of food - leaving grocery store shelves empty and food banks under-resourced. If you have a little extra in your pocket, please consider donating to an area food bank. In the Berkshires, the many organizations listed here could use your support. For folks throughout Massachusetts and beyond, please see this article in the Boston Globe.

As part of our response, Hosta Hill will be donating a jar of sauerkraut to People’s Pantry in Great Barrington for every two jars sold via our online store through April 15th. We have seen an uptick of online sales in the last few weeks and want to use this increase in sales to support food access in the community. However, if you do not want or need sauerkraut at this time, we’d encourage you to throw some cash towards a local organization of your choosing!

Moving forward, please keep the most vulnerable among us in mind as we weather this crisis together in the coming months. Our hope for all is that we would respond not with scarcity but abundance: Stay home if you can, practice effective social distancing, and find ways to support your community through mutual aid and solidarity. And if you need something to do, start a garden, ferment some vegetables, and take refuge in the beauty of Spring.

Please reach out via with questions or comments.

P.S. If you live in the Berkshires, you can get Hosta Hill as a part of your delivery through Square Roots Farm! We are partnered up with them and thrilled that they are making their farm-fresh-food available to residents throughout the county. Here is a link to their online order form.

List of links from this post:

Massachusetts Restaurant Owners Need Relief Now, and They’re Asking for It

How to Support Local Farms from a Distance

4 Ways to Support Local Farms and Local Food - Berkshire Grown Newsletter

Berkshire County Food Pantries

Here’s how you can donate to organizations helping people affected by coronavirus shutdowns

Stocking Up Is Impossible When You Lack Enough for Today: Food Banks Struggle as Coronavirus Crisis Intensifies

Coronavirus catalyzes growing wave of grassroots action despite social distancing

People’s Pantry

Coronavirus catalyzes growing wave of grassroots action despite social distancing