Last week we got to work in our unheated hoop house, seeding onions! This means planting onions seeds into trays of soil. From here they will grow and mature in mini onion plants and be ready to plant out by mid April. The seeds we planted are called Pontiac, they are a nice long term storage onion which we can store through the winter for extended season processing.

The other variety of onion we will be planting out is called Ailsa Craig. This is a popular fresh eating onion, that we'll use throughout the summer for our ferments. This year we are not going to be growing this variety by seed but instead buying in "sets" which we'll receive in April as mini onion plants ready to go into the ground. The idea with buying the sets is we may have larger summer onions, ealrier. Which will come in handy for our summer vegetable ferment processing!

onion sets, ready to go into the ground!

onion sets, ready to go into the ground!