in the next few weeks we will be out and about demo-ing at stores in the Berkshires, Boston, and even over the boarder in New York state. Demos are a fun way for us to get out and meet our customers that we might not come across at markets. This gives them the chance to try a Hosta Hill product they might be curious about. See below for a schedule of dates for the coming weeks!

This upcoming Friday, March 25th we'll be in Boston at Cambridge Naturals from 12-3:30pm and then we'll head up the street to Pemberton Farms, 5-7pm. 

On March 31st we'll be at BOTH Guidos stores in the Berkshires for their Thank you thursday (TuT) event; tastings and deep discounts! We'll be in the great Barrington store from 10-2pm and then Pittsfield, 2-5pm. Our ferments will be on sale just that one day, so make sure to stop in and stock up!

April 16th we'll be headed over the boarder to the Chatham Real Food Coop for a tasting of all our ferments, 11-2pm.

Is there a store in your area that you'd like to see us do a tasting at? Let us know!