The Benefits of Organic Food are Worth Thinking About. We Get You Started.

You’ve been wondering if there really are benefits of organic food, especially because it can seem expensive. Is it really worth it? Well, eating organically and supporting organic farming has benefits for the whole planet, our food systems and our bodies. We’ll go through a few of them here to get you started!

At Hosta Hill,  we purchase the vegetables for our krauts, kimchis, and hot sauces directly from organic growers in the region. This way we can support agricultural livelihoods while ensuring access to the highest quality produce available for our ferments. 

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What is organic farming

It’s key to know that organic farming practices support healthy soil and enhance the health of the land over time. How? Organic food is grown without the use of most synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Livestock is raised on organic feed without the use of routine antibiotics or hormones. Plus, organic farms use organic seed,  and have to be free from genetic engineering and contaminants like ionizing radiation and sewage sludge.

Want to know more? You can read the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Organic Standards.

Benefits of organic food for the planet

The USDA defines organic agriculture as "a production system that is managed to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity."

Sounds good. What does that actually look like?

Well, organic farming looks to nature for inspiration in managing the land. Practices like recycling nutrients back into the soil or increasing plant density as a natural way to block weeds are common in organic agriculture. Managing pests with natural predators instead of toxic synthetic pesticides is another example of how organic food systems weigh the impact of their practices on the environment.  

Benefits of organic food for your body

There is growing research that shows potential health benefits of organically grown produce and meat when compared with conventionally grown foods. While more research needs to be done, here are some examples of the benefits of organic food for your health:

  • Organically raised livestock have specific feeding requirements, like using grass and alfalfa for cattle’s primary feed. This leads to higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids. You may have heard of these as “heart-healthy” fats. The higher omega-3s show up in organic meat, dairy, and eggs.

  • Organically grown produce has lower levels of pesticide residue than conventionally grown vegetables, grains, and fruits. Synthetic pesticides are restricted in organic farming, and that means less exposure to neurotoxins and possible carcinogens for people who eat organic food. 

  • Because of the wide use of antibiotics in conventional farming, organically raised meat has lower levels of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. 

  • Studies have shown modestly increased nutrients in organic produce, in particular higher levels of antioxidant flavonoids. More research needs to be done on this topic. 

Organic food has benefits for the individual who consumes them but they are part of a system that upholds biodiversity, values soil health, and sees that farming has a real impact on the planet. 

We started Hosta Hill as farmers committed to organic, ecological growing practices and healthy, local food economies. As a part of our commitment to sustainable and equitable food systems, we source local and organic produce from passionate, independent farmers in New York and Massachusetts. Learn more about the organic farmers we work with here. 

Sources: Mayo Clinic, Environmental Health, SARE

Photo by Stijn te Strake on Unsplash