So much in one little jar! Here are some of the amazing kimchi health benefits

You’ve heard of kimchi, the fermented food that seems to be gaining popularity in all sorts of kitchens. But do you find yourself wondering about kimchi, and why it is so good for you? Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented vegetables. Originally created to preserve vegetables over the winter, kimchi has been eaten in Korea for generations. And it turns out there are many kimchi health benefits!

Kimchi is traditionally cabbage-based and should strike a delicious balance between sour and spice, with an excellent, fresh crunch. There are many varieties, using different veggies and flavors. It can be eaten by itself, used as a condiment, or put into your cooking. Try kimchi in fried rice, stews, and noodle dishes — or maybe...on your pizza? 

At Hosta Hill, we love kimchi and value traditional methods of fermentation. In fact, we are fermented vegetable experts! The unique and bold flavors of our cultured veggies develop slowly through wild fermentation, a natural preservation process that ensures delicious and nutritious results in every batch. Check out our offerings in the Hosta Hill Shop. We even offer wholesale orders!

Fermenting gives you “good” bacteria

Kimchi is a probiotic food, a sort of vegetable version of yogurt. Probiotics are the good guys of bacteria. In other words, one of the kimchi health benefits is support of intestinal health — fighting inflammation of the gut and supporting the immune system. How great is that? 

And it gets better! The main ingredient of kimchi is simply...veggies. The most common main ingredient for kimchi is cabbage, which alone is packed with benefits for your gut, heart and more. Then, other healthy morsels like garlic, ginger, and red pepper are often added in for flavor. And those ingredients each contribute to the healthy offerings of kimchi.

Fermenting is what packs the final (healthy) punch. (1)

Getting hungry? Make sure to visit the Hosta Hill Shop to find out what we are offering. Or if you are in New England or New York, find out where you can get a taste at a local shop or restaurant, here.

Back to fermentation and the health benefits of kimchi! During fermentation, bacteria and other microorganisms convert starches and sugars in vegetables to lactic acid, and that acid works as a natural preservative. Before there were refrigerators, foods could be preserved through the ancient tradition of fermentation. 

But fermentation goes beyond preservation to include some real health benefits. Munching delicious fermented foods like kimchi, full of those good probiotics, can bring the gut into balance. This means reducing inflammation and tummy discomfort and supporting the all-important immune system.

There are more kimchi health benefits!

You know all about kimchi as a probiotic food, which makes those millions of bacteria in your gut so happy! But you should also know about the other healthy perks of eating delicious kimchi, like

  • Kimchi is a great source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C 

  • Kimchi contains healthy minerals like iron, calcium and selenium

  • Kimchi is high in folate (an important food in pregnancy!)

  • Kimchi is a potassium-rich food

Now that you’ve read about the kimchi health benefits, be sure to check out the offerings from Hosta Hill, a family-owned, women-run business based in beautiful Western Massachusetts. We are committed to producing high-quality, probiotic-rich Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and Hot Sauce, packaged by hand and sold raw and unpasteurized. Yum!


  1. National Library of Medicine